WE AGREE! LICE ARE … GROSS! It’s horrifying to find lice in your child’s hair!
Head lice infest the head and neck and attach their eggs to the base of the hair shaft. Lice move by crawling; they cannot jump or fly.
The most common way to get head lice is by head-to-head contact with a person who already has head lice.
Such contact can be common among children during play at:
(e.g., sports, dance, gymnastics, playgrounds, camp, and slumber parties to name a few).
It is quite common for parents to spend hours treating head lice without solving the problem. At Licenders we are experts in lice and our heated air technology gets rid of lice and their nits in one treatment. That’s our promise!
Some studies suggest that girls get head lice more often than boys, probably due to more frequent head-to-head contact and long, swingy hair.
Two lice viewed under an electron microscope. Note: Their claws are used to grasp onto individual hairs. (Photo Credit: CDC)