11 Dec Do Head Lice Spread in the Winter?
Do Head Lice Spread in the Winter?
We get a lot of questions about head lice. One of the most common this time of year is, do head lice even spread in the winter? We understand a lot of other insects die off in the winter months, but unfortunately head lice are not one of them. Head lice spread in the winter just like every other month.
Head Lice in the Winter
While head lice do prefer to be warm, the winter does slow the spread of lice. Nits won’t hatch if they get below room temperature. Lucky for them they survive off the heat of their human hosts not the outside temperature. The return to school, holiday travel, and holiday get togethers is actually a head lice’s winter wonderland. Lice outbreaks often happen in the winter after these events as people gather close together and lice can easily spread. Winter head lice spread is real and is something you should take precautions to prevent.
Preventing Head Lice in the Winter
Preventing head lice in the winter is a lot like preventing lice any other time of the year. The number one thing you can do is avoid head-to-head contact. With holiday gatherings this can be hard. We suggest hugging alternatives with social distancing in effect in many places anyways. You can also wear your hair up in festive hair styles to keep it out of the way. Avoid sharing accessories like hats, coats, and sweaters that come in contact with hair. Call ahead before travelling and inquire about the health of everyone in attendance. Avoiding head lice outbreaks is a great way to keep from spreading lice.
Should you find yourself with head lice this winter don’t panic. Licenders is here to help! Our signature device uses heat to dehydrate and kill lice fast. Leaving you head and your family head lice free in just one treatment guaranteed. We know winter can be a busy time and head lice is the last thing you want to be dealing with. Let Licenders take care of things for you and get you back to your winter activities.